
Iguana is written in Java and Scala. New development is done in Scala, and eventually all Java code will be converted to Scala. Iguana is under active development and we plan the first binary release soon.

The current version of Iguana requires:

Source distribution

To build Iguana from source you need to clone the following git repositories:

All these projects are built using sbt. To build Iguana, go to the iguana directory and execute:

sbt publish-local

This command produces the necessary binary jar files and puts them in your local repository. Then, you can use Iguana using the following dependency in SBT:

"iguana" %% "iguana" % "0.1.0"

Binary distribution

Currently, the only way to build Iguana is to build it from source using sbt. In the near future, after the first release, we plan to put binaries to an online repository.

For developers

Iguana is under active development, and therefore its API is subject to frequent change. You can use both IntelliJ and Eclipse to develop Iguana.

  • We use IntelliJ IDEA 15 (with Scala plugin) for developing Iguana. All you need to do is to checkout the Iguana repository and import it as an SBT project into IntelliJ. You may also need to set is the Scala and Java SDKs and reload the projects in the SBT view of IntelliJ IDEA. If you encounter any problems in using IntelliJ IDEA for developing Iguana, please open an issue on Github.

  • To use Eclipse, you need to install Scala IDE. The Eclipse project files are not by default checked into Git, because the sbt-eclipse generates absolute dependency paths that are not portable. To use Eclipse, you need to generate the Eclipse projects before importing the projects into Eclipse. For this, run sbt eclipse.

    There is one caveat in generating Eclipse projects for Iguana. Before running sbt eclipse, uncomment this line in the build.sbt.